Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Deaf Sentence by David Lodge

Deaf Sentence the new campus novel of David Lodge makes us acquainted with Desmond Bates a retired university professor of linguistics. The title reminds us of the expression "Death Sentence" and in fact Desmond feels himself sentenced to deafness due to his hearing disability which makes his life hard, it causes friction with his younger wife Fred who is becoming a successfull entrepreneur while her husband have lost interest in daily life.
But the existance of Desmond gets complicated: he gets involded with an american student who even tries to blackmail him into writing her paper on suicide letters, his father dies, his relation with Fred chills.
I can tell David Lodge is one of my favorite authors.
The first book I read from him was Paradise News, a book which made one of my summers happier. Deaf Sentence: A Novel at Amazon.

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